Saturday 15 October 2022

Mother Jones’ COO Jahna Berry To Receive Bay Area Business Award


By Emil Guillermo

In communities of color, athletes in the U.S. are practically royalty. They don’t call Lebron “King James” for nothing. Star athletes can do no wrong. Until they do.

Just ask O.J.

But when athletes steer clear of any of that, generally they are treated like gods who live above the rim. After all, they are our heroes because they’re winners. They may have started out regular, like the rest of us, but their god-given talents have made them rise above it all.

And that makes it difficult when they start to behave like mere mortals who do some pretty regrettable things.

Just look at Herschel Walker or Draymond Green.

Let’s take Walker first. If you’re a Bay Area guy like me, Georgia’s Walker is not the greatest running back ever. Give me Marcus Allen. Or even Texas’ Earl Campbell. Both of them would rather run over linebackers, not Democrats.

Walker is different. We know that Walker denies giving money to pay for a former partner’s abortion. But now the same female partner claims Walker wanted her to have a second abortion, though she declined and had the child.

Mind you, I’m choosing to skip all the accusations about Walker’s general hypocrisy from his son, Christian. It’s important, but I’ll give Walker the benefit of the doubt considering his grandstanding son.

But the woman who claims Walker has consulted her on abortion isn’t grandstanding. She’s provided proof to the news site, the Daily Beast, and appears credible.

All this shouldn’t even be political talk, but Walker is running as an anti-abortion, pro-life fundamentalist.

The truth is relevant if it makes Walker out to be a liar.

But maybe that’s good for a politician?

Coming to Walker’s defense is no less than Donald Trump, who told the NY Times’ Maggie Haberman about Walker’s abundant qualities.

“He was the best football player in the nation by far,” Trump said of Walker.

When asked about his “complicated personal history,” Trump was quick to dismiss any criticism.

“Ten years ago would be a problem, twenty years ago a bigger problem. I don’t think it’s a problem today,” Trump said.

Haberman asked “why?” Because the world is changing.

In other words, outright liars are rewarded in today’s corrupt Republican politics led by Godfather Trump. Anything goes, as long as you win.

Trump’s blessing has opened the way for millions in political contributions and support from conservatives who shamelessly back the unqualified and truth-compromised Walker.

But this is the kind of Black man Republicans want. Controllable. Who will do what they want. Run over Democrats with political athleticism!

Doesn’t seem to stack up against the incumbent Senator, Rev. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat and the current preacher of MLK’s Ebenezer Baptist church.

If Walker wins, we will feel the impact in California. Democrats can rely on Kamala Harris to break a tie on upcoming legislation on key issues like gun control, immigration, voting rights, LGBTQ rights. Oh, and there’s abortion.

But there will be no heroics from Harris if Republicans gain the majority and have Herschel Walker in their pocket.

He will do anything they say. He’s their star athlete. He can do no wrong.

At Least Draymond Green Doesn’t Want to Be Senator

Draymond Green says he’s going to take some time away from the Golden State Warriors. He’s already taken some of their credibility.

Of course, you’ve seen the video of Green punching his teammate Jordan Poole at a recent Warriors practice. The Warriors are mostly upset that video of the punch found its way to the public.

But at least we got the truth. The punch was a clear battery, and chargeable. The Warriors preferred to keep it in house.

Keep it in house? That sounds like Jeffrey Dahmer.

The video shows undeniable workplace violence. Green, who is 6-ft-6-inches, 230 pounds, is punching the smaller Poole, who is two inches shorter and almost 40 pounds lighter.

Sports commentators downplay the punch, saying these are men playing an aggressive game, and it’s to be expected.

Not when the gym is your workplace. Punch your boss and you’ll get fired. Or sued. Is this the NBA’s message, that physical bullying is OK?

Two weeks ago, the NBA fined Phoenix Suns owner Robert Sarver $10 million and banned him from the game for one year for “workplace misconduct,” involving anti-Black racism, as well as misogynistic and sexual comments.

Is that worse than punching a teammate in practice?

Green has apologized and said he’s going to take time to “work on himself.”

But it’s going to take a lot more than using that meditation app LeBron James pushes.

For the NBA and the Golden State Warriors, the action that must be taken is clear. They must condemn workplace violence by athletes unequivocally.

Athletes shouldn’t be treated as winners when they act like losers.

Emil Guillermo is a journalist and commentator. He does a talk show on

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